Prairie Canyon is Prime Development’s newest planned neighborhood of 191 homes, located on a 91-acre tract of land south of College Boulevard in the vicinity of Valley Parkway. It is adjacent to Southglen neighborhoods of Cedar Creek on the west, and the heavily wooded Little Cedar Creek greenway to the north.
North portions of the land are generally open. South portions are wooded, with steep slopes and dense woods adjacent to Little Cedar Creek and tributaries. A forested creek channel affords natural demarcation between Prairie Canyon and the neighborhoods of Cedar Creek. Over 30% of the site will be preserved as natural open space.
The terrain is marked by two distinct ridges divided by natural stream corridors to be planted with native grasses and wildflowers to provide wildlife habitat and natural beauty for the enjoyment of residents.
Hover over interactive plat map for information on each property.
Interested in additional information? Please contact our sales team!
Prairie Canyon
23701 College Boulevard (Temporary Address)
Olathe, KS 66061
Ken Rosberg C# 913-244-7330
Jeff Sheppard C# 913-707-7437